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Share Price: $0.001
Date: 22/10/2024 6.34am AWST

General Meeting Voting

Kat Gap Project

Classic’s flagship Kat Gap Gold Project has been the focus of the majority of its recent exploration effort and is strategically located some 170 km south of Southern Cross and also some 50 km south of the Company’s Forrestania Gold Project.

With strong grades and near-surface mineralisation, as well as evidence of new zones outside the original drilling perimeters, there is now the option to fast track Kat Gap to early production. The Company has purchased an on-site processing plant (ASX 20 July 2020) and also is in discussions to generate an early revenue stream by initial toll treatment of ore.

Classic aims to have the capability to commence production as soon as the mining approvals (MLA 74/249) and clearing permit have been granted. Currently the Company envisages a three stage mining plan with mineralisation beginning at only seven metres below surface with initial bulk sampling also capable of generating a revenue stream. Further infill and extensional drilling at Kat Gap is underway with results expected next month.

Kat Gap Mine development View full size.
Dean Goodwin with drill core View full size.



The Project is located on the southern margin of the attenuated southern portion of the FGB, at the contact between ultramafic and granitic lithologies. The area has been the subject of numerous exploration campaigns since the early 1970s. Modern exploration for gold mineralisation at the Kat Gap prospect dates from the discovery of the Bounty gold mine in 1986. Exploration for gold around Kat Gap was undertaken in 1987-2003.

Previous exploration work includes detailed and regional airborne geophysical data, MagLag geochemical surveys, drilling of ~1000 RAB holes, 74 RC holes, 3 diamond holes, 30 aircore holes, and an auger soil program.

Resources estimated for Kat Gap by Sons of Gwalia (SOG) in 2003 totalled 56,000oz grading 1.4g/t Au at zero grade cut-off and 36,000oz grading 3.9g/t Au at 1.5g/t Au grade cut-off.

The purpose of the study was to identify resources that could be trucked to SOG’s treatment plant at Marvel Loch 150 km NNW of Kat Gap. SOG conducted a scoping level optimisation using various assumptions but, given the extreme trucking distance and the low ($800/oz) gold price at the time, the pit optimisation study identified only modest resources above 50 m depth. Many higher-grade drill intercepts lay outside of the SOG pit shells. A revised resource estimate of 440,000t @ 2.9g/t Au (42,000 contained ounces) was reported in 2003, but no details of the estimation can be located.

It is believed that the old scoping study results do not reflect the prospect's potential, and that a new pit optimisation using the current gold price would deliver a much larger in-pit resource, with the potential to substantially increase the resource by drilling along strike and down dip.

In accordance with clause 5.12 of the ASX Listing Rules, CLZ notes that the historic resource estimations were not reported in compliance with the JORC Code (2012), or any earlier adaptations of the JORC Code. A Competent Person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as mineral resources in accordance with the JORC Code (2012). It is uncertain that following evaluation and/or further exploration work that the historical estimates will be able to be reported as mineral resources in accordance with the JORC Code (2012). Details that support the resource estimation are not known and therefore cannot be verified. More recent estimations are not known to have occurred.

CLZ intends to undertake drilling work to verify any historical drilling on which the historic estimates are based. This work is planned to commence this year, immediately following a full evaluation of all available digital data sets. It will be funded with currently available cash reserves.

Drill samples View full size.
Kat Gap site aerial view View full size.
Kat Gap woodland View full size.
Kat Gap project exploration strike View full size.

Kat Gap mineralisation

Drilling has shown that primary gold mineralisation is associated with quartz veining developed in granitic rocks at or close to the western granite-greenstone contact of the Forrestania Greenstone Belt, and extends into the overlying oxidised zone.

Significant exploration upside potential

There is potential for additional mineralisation to be identified up-dip and down-dip from existing RC drilling, and along strike to north and south of existing RC drill coverage. Only about half of the 5 km long >50 ppb Au gold-in-soil anomaly has been tested by RC drilling along the granite/greenstone contact.

RAB coverage has not always been effective. In a report dated 2003, SOG noted that “...Much of the RAB drilling at Kat Gap was ineffective, failing to penetrate far enough into the bedrock to properly test the granite-greenstone contact….There remains good potential for further gold mineralisation on the more than 4km of strike of the granite-greenstone contact."

There is a further 5 km of strike of prospective granite-greenstone contact west of the Kat Gap zone within E74/467 that has seen little or no exploration.

CLZ intends to re-evaluate the exploration work to date, with a main focus on re-establishing mineral resources that can be classified and reported in accordance with JORC (2012). To achieve this, the company first intends to commence check-drilling (diamond core drilling), followed by extensional drilling using RC drilling.

CLZ will also start to assess the inclusion of Kat Gap in the FGP Scoping Study and mine plan and will report progress on this as it becomes available.

Mining surveyors at the Kat Gap Mining Project View full size.
Gekko gravity plant setup similar to what Classic’s full operational plant will look like View full size.