Currently, ASX-listed Classic holds approximately 578 km² of tenements across two major regional exploration areas in minerals-rich West Australia. Classic’s ground is in areas with identified high grade gold and base metal targets.
Flagship Kat Gap Project
Classic’s flagship Kat Gap Gold Project has been the focus of the majority of its recent exploration effort and is strategically located some 170 km south of Southern Cross and also some 50 km south of the Company’s Forrestania Gold Project.

Forrestania Gold Project
Classic’s Forrestania Gold Project is located approximately 120 km south of Southern Cross, Western Australia and contains the Lady Ada and Lady Magdalene deposits.

Fraser Range Project
Located 160 km ESE of Kambalda and in the Fraser-Albany Mobile Belt, which further to the north hosts the 6.4 million ounce Havana and Tropicana gold deposits and 40 km to the south hosts the recently discovered and highly significant Sirius Resources NL Nova Nickel/Copper sulphide deposit.