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Share Price: $0.001
Date: 22/10/2024 6.34am AWST

General Meeting Voting


Dean Goodwin (CEO) on location at Kat Gap Project.

Mr Dean Goodwin

Chief Executive Officer

Mr Goodwin has over 30 years’ experience in Australia and overseas across all aspects of the industry including exploration, development and mining operations in the gold and advanced minerals sectors. Mr Goodwin’s previous experience includes acting as Head of Geology at Focus Minerals Limited, a six-year period as Managing Director at Barra Resources Ltd (2004 – 2010) and 2 years as Managing Director at Mt Ridley Mines Limited (2014 – 2016). Mr Goodwin also spent 6 years as an exploration geologist with Western Mining Corporation and was involved in discovering the Intrepid, Redoubtable and Santa Anna gold deposits at Lake Lefroy with WMC.

In 1999, Mr Goodwin was appointed as Senior Exploration Geologist with LionOre Limited and whilst at the Bounty Gold Mine operations, was responsible for the discovery of several gold deposits including the high-grade Lady Ada deposit (formerly known as Blue Haze), located within the broader Forrestania Gold Project (“FGP”).

Following the discovery of the aforementioned deposits at FGP, Mr Goodwin undertook a detailed geological review and mapping exercise of the project and its surrounds, resulting in the generation of many highly ranked exploration targets in the area. Importantly, Mr Goodwin also has a rich history in nickel exploration, including time spent at the helm of Mt Ridley Mines Limited (another Fraser Range explorer) and it is expected that he will bring much needed expertise to continue to explore at the Company’s Fraser Range Ni-Cu project.

Mr Goodwin was responsible for discovering some of the key mineralised bodies within FGP and this depth of knowledge and understanding of this particular gold system will be invaluable in the coming months as we revisit some of the high priority exploration targets. Mr Goodwin also qualifies as Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’.

Mr John Lester

Non-Executive Director

Mr Lester started his career as a stockbroker with Joseph Sebag and Co in London. Later joining Jardine Fleming and Company – then Hong Kong’s biggest investment bank as chief dealer and became a Director of that company. He was Head of Corporate Finance at Pembroke Securities in Sydney and later moved to Indonesia where he founded a paging company and several satellite and internet companies as well as arranging the underwriting of Jakarta’s first publicly listed mining company.

He joined the board of Golden West Resources Ltd and became Managing Director where he was responsible for the company raising more than $60 million from Asian investors. He was Chairman of Yilgarn Infrastructure Ltd which was a major tenderer for building the Port of Oakajee having a fully funded bid with partners including China Rail, China Ports, Sinosteel Ansteel Bank of China and China Exim Bank. He was a founding Director and Chairman of publicly listed International Coal Limited.

Mr Frederick Salkanovic

Non-Executive Director

Mr Salkanovic has a long history of prospecting and mining in WA and throughout Australia. He has operated successful precious metals and gemstone mining operations and brings further hands-on experience to the Board as the company ramps up its exploration and development activities at FGP.

Mr Salkanovic has a strong knowledge of the mining and resources sector in Australia, with key competencies in Exploration, materials processing; marketing and financial management in relation to junior mining companies.

Mr Lu Ning Yi

Non-Executive Director

Mr Yi has extensive business connections in Australia and the Asia Pacific region, especially greater China. Mr Yi brings over 30 years of hands-on experience dealing with businesses in China and abroad. Over the years, Mr Yi has proven his unique business insight and expertise in the identification and realisation of funding opportunities in the resources, commodities, and financial investment sectors.

Ms Gillian Catherine King

Non-Executive Director

Ms King brings a wealth of experience in Human Resources and Indigenous Affairs. She is a Noongar and Gurindji descendant; whose background is versatile and has experience in a variety of professional appointments and in business. She has also been an Employment Consultant working with remote indigenous clients in the Pilbara assisting with employment placement as well as owning their business and managing finances.

In addition to the above, Ms King has obtained a Certificate in Metalliferous Mining open cut and, due to her industry and efforts, was a finalist in the Training and Excellence Awards 2004. She has experience in Haulage and in Laboratory analysis and is qualified in Training, Assessing and Mentoring Indigenous staff for retention in their employment. She has been employed with the Disability Service Commission as a Social Trainer and as an Indigenous Support Worker for Families experiencing Domestic Violence situations.

Madhukar Bhalla FGIA, FCIS

Company Secretary

Madhukar has a wealth of experience with listed and unlisted entities. He brings skills of Corporate Governance and Investor Relations which have spanned companies across Australia. His recent experience with Human Relations with a growing Not for Profit adds to his stable of competencies.